Technical support
The goal of Necsy Customer Support is to ensure maximum continuity of operation, and therefore productivity of the systems provided.
Support Center specialists collaborate with Customer Organization, solving problems and providing new employment solutions.
Appropriate “service” tools allow direct access to systems by the Support Center to allow configuration, upgrade or simple monitoring of key performance indicators.
Performing remote support activities is logged on the internal trouble ticketing system so that you can monitor the progress of requests at all times to ensure compliance with contractual SLAs.
Customer Support includes some services that are provided at the same time as the Systems or are subject to specific Maintenance Agreements, such as Hardware Maintenance, which includes repairing failsafe equipment, Software Maintenance for Software Correction and Upgrades, Product Assistance and Troubleshooting System Assistance, Scheduled Maintenance that includes periodic replacement parts replacement and restoration of optimal software and database configurations by experienced technical specialists of our products.
Support contracts are also available that provide access support outside Office Hours, available up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.